We are committed to our patient’s health and we understand the importance of determining the cause of their condition. Many acute and chronic conditions are complex in nature and require a comprehensive approach. Your initial appointment consists of an evaluation to gather information about your current and past medical history, perform a physical exam, and refer for any necessary imaging or diagnostic tests. Your physical exam includes a postural assessment, gait analysis, biomechanical assessment, neuromuscular evaluation, muscle strength testing, muscle length testing, and joint mobility testing.


Our chiropractic techniques provide you with hands-on, effective treatments that can help to relieve your back, neck and extremity problems without drugs or surgery. In addition to joint manipulations, called adjustments, we also use a variety of soft tissue techniques and physical modalities like ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation.


We treat just about any muscle and skeleton issue, such as: plantar fasciitis or foot and ankle pain, headaches, back or neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, knee or hip pain, tennis elbow, groin pain, patella pain, muscle weakness, shooting pain, leg pain, runners knee, IT Band Syndrome/Pain, chronic spasm, pain when sitting or standing, numbness in extremities, tingling extremities, calf pain, restless legs, sprains, strains and whiplash.